N° pagine 98
Prezzo di copertina:
Euro 11,00
Formato 15 x 21
ISBN: 88-88847-81-2

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Autore: Giordano Serafin

Titolo: "Dyads – A discontinuous structure of space and time"

Collana: Tesi e Ricerca

Genere: Fisica

In the quantification of a physical phenomenon it may seem unquestionable for the metre to be used as the measurement for space, paired with the minute second as the measurement unit for time, but it is entirely not so.
By means of journey into the hyper-microcosmos, made possible by the technology of particles, we are able to see for ourselves that the metre is a valid sample only for minor extensions, those which lead back to anthropometric magnitudes, whereas the minute second regulates a time flow that is so large as to make an hour on the clock seem similar to the duration of a year.
This dimensional blinkering distorts our vision of physical reality in a similar manner to a film shown with faster projection speed than normal, creating an effect which is close to comic.
Perhaps we humans really should smile upon our uncoordinated and overweening sensory faculties.